

AsSalaamo `Alaykum Dear ICQC Community,

Our membership drive is now in progress and we would like to invite all those who aren’t yet ICQC members, to apply for membership. 

In order to be eligible to vote in the upcoming elections of the Board in December, your application must be submitted before June 3, 2023.

You can fill the membership form in person at the Masjid, after Jumu’ah or on one of the nights after `Eshaa.

You can also fill the form online at,  print the filled out form and drop it off with proof of residency, in the mailbox slot on the office door or email it to

Below are the requirements for membership per the ICQC Constitution:

 ICQC membership is open to all who fulfill all of the following conditions:   

a. Who profess the beliefs and accept the purpose and objectives of ICQC as  set forth in Article 2 of the constitution

b. Reside within a 4-mile radius of the current or any previous ICQC premises.  

Note: As long as some part of the development or apartment complex lies within this  radius, the entire development or apartment complex will be considered to lie within  it. 

c. Are 18 years or above of age. 

d. Duly register themselves by filling the membership form and submitting it to ICQC. 

e. Their membership application is found to be valid and accepted by ICQC.


We recommend using a Mac, PC, or Linux computer to open/fill PDF forms. 

If you must use an Android or iOS device to fill the form, please refer to the following:

Android Phone/Tablet:

  1. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader app from Play Store
  2. Install FireFox from Play Store
  3. Download the form from the link above (using FireFox) and open it in Acrobat Reader


  1. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader app from the App Store
  2. Download the form from the above link (using any browser) and open it in the Acrobat Reader App.
    (For an example of how to open an ICQC PDF form, watch this video.)